Pjila'si! Welcome to my knitting blog.

My name is Lola and I have been knitting since I was eight years old. This page contains items handknit by me.
The designs on the hats are my creations and were inspired by my Mi'kmaq culture.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Quill Work Hat & Scarf"

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Inspired by the beautiful quill work done by the Mi'kmaq.  See this webpage for picture of quill work basket that inspired this hat:

Mi'kmaq Quill Basket

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Migjigj (Turtle)

A Micmac Legend

In the long ago turtle was the great story teller of all the birds and animals of Kluskap's land. During the summer he had many friends, but when the cold Winter King came from the northland, most of the birds flew south to the home of the warm Summer Queen and many of the animals hibernated deep underground. Turtle did not know how to do this. He walked so slowly that the cold Winter King soon caught up with him. He nearly froze. He was so very cold and lonesome.

However, his great friendliness was his way to rescue. He talked to the geese about taking him to the warm south. They agreed to do so only if they could find some way to stop turtle from talking, for he was a bore to the geese who liked to honk their tales far and wide. The wiley geese found a way. They carried turtle by his mouth on a stick and, of course, once off the ground he didn't dare open his mouth.

He did not enjoy his stay in the land of the Summer Queen. It was too warm in his heavy shell and he missed many of his dear friends. The next summer the maidens of the Queen brought him back to Kluskap's land and taught him how to hibernate.

It is said that if you find a turtle hibernating from the cold of the great Winter King he will be deep under the soil telling stories all winter long to his many friends.

Turtle Song

"Tea Cosy"

This hat was inspired by a "Mi'kmaq Tea Cosy". To see this tea cosy and read about it please visit

Mi'kmaq Five Point Star

The eight-pointed star occurs in Mi'kmaq hieroglyphic writing as a symbol for the sun.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The idea for this hat came from the teepees at Grand Chief Membertou 400 Celebrations last month in Halifax, NS. 

"Grandmother Moon"

This hat depicts Grandmother Moon and the stars watching over the land.

"Basket Hat"

This hat was inspired by the beautiful baskets made by the Mi'kmaq.